

Learn about the main functions that characterize our platform, we are characterized mainly by being fast, focused on information security, oriented towards data transparency, we constantly update without added costs, we support our information so as not to lose a byte, we are NESTFY the new platform for property management.


  • Que mas que decir sino que ojala inventaran para la vida diaria sistemas que nos ayuden como Nestfy ayuda con el Condominio del Conjunto, ahora todas las casas y los apartamentos tienen todo a la mano….
    Enrique Viliano
  • Now I work carefree, thanks to Nestfy's technology I have everything quick and easy in the same place, the best thing is that the users are more than happy, they enter the same page of the shopping center and in a link they access the entire system….
  • Sin palabras, desde que empece a trabajar con Nestfy ha mejorado mi relación con los propietarios y ellos estan felices con todo lo que tiene la aplicación.
  • Nestfy es facilísimo, me ayuda con todos los reportes, los envíos y el seguimiento de todos los propietarios, me ha ayudado a crecer mi negocio.
    Adriana Pages
    Chief Operations Tabatas´Cake
  • The thing is that technology does work, it helps, it makes us save and it also helps us grow, a recommendation for anyone who reads us is that they don't stop using it, it's great….
    Alfredo Moreno
    CEO V-Onest
  • I manage several shopping centers and thanks to Nestfy we have considerably lowered administrative costs, we have managed to stabilize numbers and the condominium is up to date...
    Algemiro Candil
  • I work with the Board of Directors of various buildings and they are happy with this new service that we are providing thanks to Nestfy. Thanks NESTFY have helped my business.
    Camila Beratto
    Directora SPE
  • I manage residential buildings and thanks to Nestfy with the same staff I can grow my business, help like this really makes it possible for us to grow.
    Johanna Bendeck
    Bendeck Seguros
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