February 3, 2023

How to save capital gain tax on sale of residential property?

Taxes are something that no one enjoys. But what if I told you that there are some simple ways to save money on taxes while selling your most valuable asset, your own ‘house’? Yes, there are some exemptions available to you under the Income Tax Act that allow you to […]
February 3, 2023

Types of Property available under the Law

Property has a very broad meaning in its real sense. It is not only just restricted to financial wealth and other tangible (physical) things of value, but it even includes intangibles (non-physical) such as intellectual property rights, stocks & so. Both these tangibles and intangibles can be anything which serves […]
February 3, 2023

Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

Every facility, be it a private home, apartment complex, condo building, or hotel is threatened by water leaks issues. The cost of this damage to the population runs in the hundreds of millions of dollars and represent about 48% of insurance claims*. Burst hoses connecting refrigerators, washing machines or dishwashers; overflowing […]
February 3, 2023

Is Your HOA or Condo Board Doing A Good Job?

How Can You Tell If Your Board is Doing a Good Job? There’s a lot of talk in the media and online about bad Boards of Directors, including our recent article on how to tell if your Board is stealing from the association. But how do you tell if the Board of […]